Walk Details for Next Sunday’s Walk 27 February 2022

Sunday 27th February, Sizergh Castle to Helsington Barrows

Start – Sizergh Castle National Trust cafe at 10-30am prompt to start walking, meet at 10-00am for those wanting coffee/tea.

Meet – there are 2 parking places.  National Trust members can park for free in the main car park, which is payable for non members. Alternatively park on the road opposite the Strickland Arms, at the main entrance to the grounds, and walk up the drive. Allow 10 minutes to walk up.

Suggest we could meet at the cafe at 10-00am, for a pre-walk coffee and to use the toilets. This will be the mid-morning coffee break, so enabling us to only stop for lunch on the walk.

The walk – distance 5.5 ish miles, medium difficulty

From the car park we head north on the well used track to Helsington Church (one steep climb), and then continue along the road to the entrance to Helsington barrows. We then follow a path across the open land and along the edge of Scout Scar, to reach a cairn. Depending on time / weather this could be a potential lunch spot, otherwise we take a steep path down to Barrowfield Farm (very muddy through the farm). We then pick up a footpath through Honeybee Woods, cross the road and another track brings us back to Helsington Church. We can either retrace our steps to the Castle, or follow a track across open parkland back to the start.

The paths are liable to be muddy, and there is a couple of steep ascents and descents, so good walking boots and poles are recommended. As can be expected in February, the weather can do anything, so bring wet weather gear as well as warm clothing. Depending on the weather an alternative route may be walked.

Please let me know by Friday 25th February if you intend coming, numbers are limited to 15. Dogs are allowed on the walk on a lead.

Contact: Tony on 07402177946 by 8.00pm on Friday 25 February 2022, numbers are limited to 15. Dogs are allowed on the walk on a lead.