Walk Details for Next Sunday’s Walk (6 March 2022)

Shap Abbey & Rosegill Packhorse Bridge 6 Miles Easy/Moderate

We meet at 10.00am in Shap Village on the A6. Parking is beside the War Memorial in the village on the A6.

We will follow field paths to Keld then continue on field paths to Shap Abbey for a coffee stop. After that we follow field paths and climb down to the packhorse bridge at Rosegill. A road walk into Rosegill itself before reurning to Shap on more field paths.

The walk is 6 miles and is classed as Moderate.

To book your place on the walk please contact Geoff on 07841499845 before 8.00pm on Friday 4 March 2022.

Walks will be limited to a maximum of 15 people (or as set by the walk leader).

Booking is ESSENTIAL. You must book directly with the leader, turning up on the day without booking you will be refused on the walk.

If you have booked on a walk and find you are unable to attend please let the walk leader know as soon as possible so that the place is available to someone else.