Social Evenings

These Evenings have now resumed, and are held every third Thursday of the month.  Please see the programme for further details.


Please check the starting time and meeting place with the organiser prior to the event. Also keep checking Recent Posts (on all of the  pages of this website) for any changes to the printed programme.

For personal safety it is important to be adequately equipped for such events. If it is an event in which you have not previously participated, or if you require advice for any reason, please consult the organiser in good time before the event.

It is recommended that a basic first aid kit should be carried by each walker.  A suggested list is given below:

Antiseptic cleaning wipes, pain relief (such as paracetamol, ibuprofen, antihistamines to reduce the effect of allergic reactions, stings etc), assorted plasters, crepe bandages, gauze, surgical tape, Compeed for blisters.

Dogs are allowed on walks at the discretion of the walk leader.  See Disclaimer page for more details

Dogs are allowed on walks at the discretion of the walk leader.  Please see Disclaimer page for more information.

Please note that it is important that anyone wishing to come on a walk must let the walks leader know by 8.00 pm on the Friday before the walk, and also that they must read the disclaimer notice.


The group is not liable for any injury or accident sustained at an event organised by an individual. This includes walks, trips and journeys.
Please see Our Disclaimer Page HERE

Further Information

Contact: Paul on 01524 412024


E-mail: [email protected]