Welcome to the Lancaster & Morecambe Walking Group Website.

We are a walking group in Lancaster & Morecambe and organise weekly walks in and around the Lancaster & Morecambe area, the Lake District and surrounds.

Our walks are held each Sunday and are aimed to promote both health and wellbeing for a varied range of people. Full details of walks can be found on our programme page.

Please note that it is important that anyone wishing to come on a walk must let the walks leader know by 8.00 pm on the Friday before the walk, and also that they must read the disclaimer notice.

For more information see the Guidelines for Walkers and the Disclaimers page, or contact

Paul via the Contact Page


As Covid rules have been relaxed we can amend our walk rules accordingly however some rules will remain in place as follows.

Walks will be limited to a maximum number of people as set by the walk leader.

Booking is ESSENTIAL. You must book directly with the leader as once the walk is fully booked there will be a waiting list. Also turning up on the day without booking you will be refused on the walk. If you have booked on a walk and find you are unable to attend please let the walk leader know as soon as possible so that the place is available to someone else.

We are now resuming car sharing and have decided to use our recently set up Lancaster Walking Group WhatsApp Group to facilitate this. Members attending walks can post on that group that they have space to offer a lift and members who require a lift can post that they require one and this will enable members to liaise with each other in order to arrange them. If you are not already on the group please contact Paul to be added to it.

You must NOT attend a walk if you have any Covid-19 symptoms or have tested positive for Covid-19.

It is suggested that you bring your own alcohol based hand sanitiser and a basic first aid kit.

Above all, if you are concerned about the personal risk of participating in group walking, don’t!

There is no pressure to get involved.