Walk Details for next Sunday 16 January 2022

Hornby and Melling
This is a glorious circular walk noted for its birdlife along the water courses in this part of the world. After Melling there is a terrific ascent with superb views back over Ingleborough and Gregareth.
The walk starts in wonderful Hornby and follows the River Wenning, last encountered on our Great Stone of Fourstones Walk near Bentham several weeks ago. We then join the banks of the River Lune and proceed over Loyn Bridge, continuing further along the Lune up to the rail line that goes towards Leeds. We cross delightful pastureland criss-crossed with small streams into the village of Melling, where we will stop for lunch. We then will head up onto the hills above Melling before winding back down to the magnificent Hornby Castle.
If Satnav, type in Hornby LA2 8JR and head for the car park south of the bridge over the River Wenning SD 585683. Allow 25 minutes to reach Hornby. Car parking is a discretionary £2.
MEETING TIME  10.00. Please don’t be late!
DISTANCE  7 miles
ASCENT  around 400ft
Generally easy walking alongside the rivers but expect mud! It is important you bring walking poles where there are adverse cambers bankside. When we leave Melling, there is a steady climb but nothing steep. At the top of the fell expect some muddy tracks and a couple of tricky stiles.
WEATHER  If the weather is bad, we’ll moan a bit but do bring waterproof trousers, kagoule or over trousers if you have them.
DOGS  Well behaved mutts are welcome.

If you wish to participate and can vouch for your fitness to complete this walk, please contact Mark Archer by email on [email protected] or leave a text message on 0780 3373 048 by Friday 14th January no later than 6.30pm

Covid instructions

Walks will be limited to a maximum of 15 people (or as set by the walk leader).

Booking is ESSENTIAL. You must book directly with the leader as once the walk is fully booked there will be a waiting list. Also turning up on the day without booking you will be refused on the walk. If you have booked on a walk and find you are unable to attend please let the walk leader know as soon as possible so that the place is available to someone else.

The walk leader will require your full name and contact phone number as we are required to keep a record of everyone on the walk for a period of 21 days after the walk. After that period the information will be destroyed securely.

As car sharing is not allowed (except for those in a “bubble”) the walk meeting place will be the start of the walk not our normal meeting point in Lancaster. I realise that this will be difficult for those who do not have transport however to enable us to resume walks we must follow this guidance.

You must NOT attend a walk if you have any Covid-19 symptoms, are in a household with someone who has symptoms or have been told to self isolate.

It is suggested that you bring your own alcohol based hand sanitiser, face covering and a basic first aid kit.

Social distancing must be observed on the walk and you must not share food and drink or equipment such as walking poles.

It is also important that if you develop symptoms of Covid-19 within 48 hours of the walk that you must apply for a Covid-19 test and co-operate with NHS contact tracing if requested.

Above all, if you are concerned about the personal risk of participating in group walking, don’t!

There is no pressure to get involved.